This library offers:
- Biblical and Religious Studies
- Online Directory of Christian Theological Articles – Articles written on theological, apologetics, and other religious topics.
- World Religious and Secular News Today– Current online links to Christian and secular world news.
- Online Christian PDF Books – Free EbooksDirectory of free downloadable PDF books.
- Online Research Tools
- Internet Theology Resources – Student Research Topics provides Christian theological resources on systematic theology, homiletics, hermeneutics, western theology, philosophy, leadership, and psychology.
- Online Christian Classifieds – Online Christian advertisements of jobs, services, and more
- Spanish Christian Library Section
In addition, international newspapers and magazines, of both Christian and secular natures, other online Christian libraries, plus much more…
The library’s purpose is to offer online religious theological study as well as personal anytime reading, to be visited daily. This is achieved by providing free Christian books to its visitors.
NTSLibrary – Online Christian Library is regularly updated and is non-denominational, representing a diverse selection of theological positions for the purpose of providing the reader with information on different positions which may challenge our thinking on an existing position and thereby lead, through study, to a more educated understanding.